
Our team is located in Zurich (Switzerland), Bamberg (Germany) and Nuremberg (Germany) and consist of researchers who specialize in machine learning, data analytics, behavioral economics, computer science, information systems, and business applications of digital technologies.


The team in Zurich is part of the Chair of Information Management at the Department for Management, Technology and Economics at ETH Zurich led by Prof. Elgar Fleisch. The team in Bamberg works at the Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems Group  headed by Prof. Thorsten Staake. The newly established Team at FAU Nuremberg is part of the Chair of Digital Transformation headed by Prof. Verena Tiefenbeck. 

University of Bamberg

Joanna Graichen

PhD Candidate

Felix Haag

PhD Candidate

Christian Weigl

PhD Candidate

Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg (FAU)

Leonie Manzke

PhD Candidate

ETH ZUrich

Kevin O'Sullivan

PhD Candidate

Tobias Brudermüller

PhD Candidate

Markus Kreft

PhD Candidate

David Schaurecker

PhD Candidate


OUR Alumni

Dr. Anna Kupfer

Dr. Sandro Schopfer 

Dr. Jürgen Wenig

Dr. Anselma Wörner

Dr. Leonard Michels