We are pleased to announce that our manuscript "Heat Pump Inspections Result In Large Energy Savings When A Pre-Selection of Households Is Performed: A Promising Use Case of Smart Meter Data" has been accepted by the Journal Energy Policy. The article was written by Andreas Weigert, Konstantin Hopf, Sebastian Günther, and Thorsten Staake.
The study investigates how much saving can be achieved in a typical energy-saving campaign for heat pumps and how data from smart electricity meters can help to pre-select heat pumps with a particularly high energy-saving potential.
Heat pumps have become the heating system of the future and are being installed in an increasing number of buildings: At the same time, however, this heating technology is prone to planning, installation and setting errors, which in many cases leads to a reduction in efficiency and thus to an increase in electricity consumption and corresponding operating costs. In many cases, energy-saving consultants can also optimise the settings of the heat pump afterwards and raise efficiency potentials, but they need information in advance about which installations can particularly gain from consulting.
Our study indicates that it is already possible today to identify inefficiently operating heat pumps with the widely available smart metering infrastructure and exemplifies the potential of digitising energy consulting for heat pumps.